Join us

We are always looking for prospective candidates to perform exciting work in experimental Quantum Information Science in our lab. We work with the Quantum Technologies Lab (Konrad Banaszek, Marcin Jarzyna), Quantum Metrology group from FUW (Faculty of Physics UW) of Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański, as well as the group of Krzysztof Jachymski from FUW working on atomic aspects of our experiments. We also collaborate with Wojciech Wasilewski od advanced custom electronics. Our projects combine experimental and theoretical aspects. Our team involves members with a diverse background, ranging from theoretical quantum information to practical mechanical and electronic engineering.

See current openings:

  • none at the moment

Information for prospective students:

Prior experience in experimental or theoretical quantum optics is not required at BSc level. Yet we are looking for candidates with strong dedication. We offer help and guidance in the now broad field of quantum information, as well as guidance in applying for additional funding such as scholarships or "Perły Nauki" grant (formerly "Diamentowy Grant").

Possible BSc (licencjat) or MSc (magister) projects:

  • Quantum-inspired superresolution imaging via arrayed-homodyne detection (physics)
  • Generation of Rydberg atoms: towards strong photon-photon interaction in 3D (experimental physics, theoretical physics)
  • Super-resolution spectroscopy of ultrafast broadband light (experimental physics)
  • Digital signal processing solutions for quantum experiments (experimental physics, computer science, information technologies

The theses can be prepared and defended as part of the studies at the Faculty of Physics (FUW), University of Warsaw. Other options can be discussed as well, such as Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics (MIM), University of Warsaw, or Warsaw University of Technology (PW).

If you are interested do not hesitate to contact Michał Parniak at to schedule a visit to the lab, with an opportunity to talk with other students.

Contact us also if you are motivated to work in the lab but do not have previous research experience!

Information for prospective PhD students:

We welcome applications from ambitious prospective PhD students. The topic of your PhD may range from pure physics and quantum science to more engineering problems. As a PhD student in our lab, you will be a part of the Doctoral School at the University of Warsaw. If you are interested in joining us, you need to contact M. Parniak in advance to be able to prepare an individual research plan to be submitted to the Doctoral School. The deadline is usually in June every year. Additional funding is available from research project funds.

Information for prospective postdocs:

We welcome applications from excellent PhDs who would like to do a postdoctoral stay in our group. Please contact M. Parniak for more information. We also welcome possible short stays in our group (visiting professors, or "trial" stays) funded by local projects. For postdoc positions, excellent funding may be obtained in conjunction with from National Science Centre (Poland) – Polonez BIS programme, EU Commission (MSCA), NAWA, or other agencies.